"Live the Peace you want to see 

tomorrow in this World"

The Film

Peace Through Encounter

She had a vision and set out alone to explore the feminine power.

Eike Eschholz met the Great Mothers of the European Council as well as herself and found out

how to create "peace through encounter" with people together.

The social art project, which was created in the last years since 2016, is to be understood as an educational project that gives us

the horizons for a new Europe, where cultures meet and learn to understand each other.


She traveled to 13 countries of the european continent and dived into the depths of life with the Grandmothers and asked 

the representative of each country 4 questions. The answers she found on her journey led to this wonderful congress

with deep and touching encounters. Come with us in this documentary, on a journey in which you meet yourself in the other, the foreign.

Believe it or not. This can create peace to this world.

Social Art & Peace-Project

"Whale Journey"

"Why should i stand up for peace ? When so many things always ends in conflicts & war !

Quite simply ! - Because otherwise at some point everything will be one day war & conflict !!!

Visions of Light considers peace work more important than ever. That is why we want to go further

and deeper into peace work with these and other projects. This film has cost a lot of work - and without financial support

such projects are not possible to realize. That means we want to work together with you on peace and invite you to become

a part of a vision of peace by working with us in these projects or helping us with donations.

Every helping hand and meeting creates peace in our world.

Come and discover the world of peace with us.




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 Would you like to organize your own private/public movie night?

In a cinema, in the garden, in the forest or in your living room? Do it and contact us!